How to use “if”, “else”, “for” and “while” keywords
Whether you need extra practice or just want to test your knowledge, Launch School’s running two beginner Flow Control & Loops Workshops on the following topics:
- conditionals: “if”, “else” and other statements
- truthiness: “true”, “false” and other keywords
- looping logic: “for”, “while” and other looping structures
If you weren’t able to join last time, now is your chance to register for these upcoming Ruby and JavaScript workshops:
Tuesday January 31st at 7pm US Eastern
In this workshop Grace will guide you through how to control the flow of your data using “if” statements, truthiness and useful operators for conditionals in JavaScript. You’ll also cover “for” and “while” looping structures and how to control loops using the “break” statement.
Friday February 3rd at 6pm US Eastern
In this workshop Clare will show you how to control the flow of your data using conditionals, truthiness and operators in Ruby. You’ll also cover the various kinds of looping structures in Ruby and how to perform simple recursion.
If you’re still unsure about registering, here’s what some of the attendees have said about the workshop experience:
“Helpful analogies to understand concepts, quizzes, lots of working examples.”
“Great pacing, learned a lot, it was my first exposure and I feel we covered many important things which is awesome!”
“Well explained without jumps in logic or going too fast.”
“Thank you for providing this workshop!”
Looking forward to seeing you there,
Launch School Team